You'll have a fantastic time when you visit Montreal and with the help of our Montreal Trip Planner you can save your precious cash by touring the city's beautiful parks, gardens, museums, historic sites, landmarks and other attractions using public transit. You're also just a click away from information on walking tours, day trips, dining and hotels — everything you need to complete your travel plans.
Although fully guided tours are a great option for exploring the city, using public transit will give you more flexibility and save you money. Every tourist attraction in our Montreal Trip Planner includes an informative overview complete with reviews, photos, video, and a map and directions for planning your route on public transit. You'll even find step by step walking directions from the nearest metro station(s).
If you prefer the extra convenience of guided tours, you'll find a great selection at low prices. Either way you're covered.
See our Montreal Travel Tips to save money and help your trip go smoothly.